International Experience

■ TOKİ received the United Nation's HABITAT Scroll of HONOR in 1994 for having provided housing credits to hundreds of thousands of low and medium income families and for having implemented the Erzincan Earthquake Reconstruction Project successfully.

■ TOKİ performs housing and urbanization activities under the existence of data flow with international establishments. After UN HABITAT II Conference (organized by TOKİ in Istanbul in 1996), TOKİ was accepted as the public body in charge that provides a coordination with all of official and private establishments for its studies being performed in accordance with this conference decisions and it showed follow-up activities in this respect.

■ In 2008, TOKİ was awarded the "International Award for Entrepreneurship in Real Estate and Housing Development" sponsored by Expo Italia Real Estate (EIRE).
In 2008, TOKİ's Erzincan-Çarşı Quarter Urban Renewal-Slum Transformation Project was selected as a "Good Practice" in the HABITAT Best Practices Award organization. North Ankara Entrance Urban Renewal Development Project of TOBAŞ was selected as one of the "Good Practices" for the year 2009 by the international selection committee of the UN-HABITAT Business Awards, China.

■ Drawing upon its accumulated body of knowledge and experience in the fields of housing and human settlements, TOKİ performs studies related to arranging meetings and organizations about its activity subjects and sharing with relevant occupation groups, in national and international level. Two Housing Conventions were arranged by TOKİ on April 8- 9, 2006 and on March 3-4, 2011 in İstanbul, with contributions of international participants. Convention Books were prepared by TOKİ to gather the speeches therein, and was shared with all participants and those concerned in the sector.

■ The practices carried out by TOKİ throughout the country and the fact that the developed models are monitored curiously in the international platform entail information exchange and cooperation requests by various countries. Negotiations with similar corporations and establishments of nearly 97 countries, particularly regional countries are in progress, and memorandums of "cooperation in the field of mass housing development" are being signed with various countries.

■ Constructions abroad are funded through post-disaster donations and humanitarian relieves, and TOKİ conducts its activities (through Protocols regarding Construction) as the implementation unit of these projects (in line with official assignments). In this context; there are TOKI implementations in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Somalia.
(1050 houses in Banda Aceh region of Indonesia for those losing their houses in the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in South Asia, and 500 houses in Sri Lanka for the victims of the same disaster were completed with necessary social facilities and put into service. "Muzafferabad Local Government Management" complex project has been realized in Jammu and Kashmir States after the earthquake to the northeast of Pakistan in 2005, and 2 primary schools, 2 dormitories, 197 houses, 12 management buildings, a mosque, college building, conference and exhibition hall, shopping center, guesthouse and gym were constructed. After the flood disaster that occurred in Pakistan in 2010, construction of 4620 houses and 37 social facilities were completed. In Somalia, the construction of the 200-bed hospital, 40-class nurse-college and a place of worship for two thousand people on enclosed and open areas has been finalized. TOKİ personnel followed the implementation process via provisional engagements throughout the work.)

■ TOKİ model which became a known and trusted brand throughout the world attracts attention at international platforms, and offers are made from several countries for implementation of the model. The offers are replied in the form of experience sharing and counseling, and official requests also are received constantly for utilization of TOKI practice with regard to construction.

That shows the credit of TOKI as a model at international scale, and attention showed to it especially by public initiatives to its "model" status.

"TOKI Model", in the sense of most effective channeling to those in need of globally decreasing public resources, is submitted as a "best experience" developed by Turkey within the Side Events UN HABITAT III Conference which was held in Quito, in 2016.